Today started out cloudy with a light sprinkle. The forecast called for highs of 58. I thought it would never happen but late in the afternoon, the sun parted the clouds and sweet glorious spring!
The walk from Nestorville to Phillipi was mostly through sleepy roads dotted with farms and scattered homes. I made my way through town and was stopped by a woman, she asked if I was on the Civil War Trail. Apparently there is one from Phillipi to Grafton, WV. Phillipi is also where the Civil War began. At least that's what it says on the welcome to Phillipi sign. I told the woman about my journey and she told me she works at the animal shelter and has some free samples she can give me. She gave me some bones for Brown, he was excited. We thanked her and continued on.
I passed a Hardee's. I don't know that I've ever been to one before. So I decided to try it. I got a turkey burger and onion rings. Should have went to Subway next door. Just up the street is the town magistrate, there is a gazebo on the side so we took our siesta there. I charged my phone, blogged, rested and an hour later decided we better get going. We headed out of town and this is when the sun decided to come out.
The remainder of the walk follows a gravel road along the Tygart River. A beautiful river, I'm sure kayaking on it would be a lot of fun. Check out my Instagram for a video of the river: nroland1. There were many places where rocks jutted out into the river and you could walk out on them. Oh how I wish I wasn't in a race against the sunset. I would have stripped down to my bathing suit and layed out on those rocks and then cooled off in the pools of water they collected. Anyway, I continued for what seemed like forever. Then, Moatsville, not much here, just a sleepy river town.
I found the Moatsville United Methodist Church. The door was unlocked! Shelter! I was sad when I realized that the bathroom door was locked though. However, thankfully I have a ridiculous sweet tooth and went for the candy jar. Sure enough, underneath, was the bathroom key. Simple rewards for being a fat kid. I should mention that by candy I mean peppermint pastel like mints. This place is no Nestorville United Methodist Church, where there are an assortment of cookies and beverages. If I were rating churches by their accommodations... I joke, I'm incredibly grateful.
Currently Brown and I are resting in a pew, one of the few that are padded. Better than the ground, better than pooping outside.
Today's food cravings were: rotisserie chicken with rice and beans, fried yuka and plaintains, bean and cheese pupusas with a cherry lime slushie and orange sherbet.
Thank you readers, thank you lady who gave Brown a bone and thank you Moatsville United Methodist Church.
"Aww but hell I'm just a blind man on the plains,
I drink my water when it rains,
And live by chance among the lightning strikes."