I left Williamsport this morning, sun shining, temperatures climbing. I hopped on the trail and headed out of town. Most of the snow had melted and I was happy to be walking on semi dry ground.
We walked eleven miles to North Mountain where we took our lunch break. While we were eating two women on horseback rode by. Brown wants to meet a horse very badly, he thinks all animals want to play with him. My mom and I used to go horseback riding when I was younger, I always remember it being a lot of fun.
On the trail today I saw four fishermen, seven runners, two horseback riders, and fourteen walkers. I also saw a strange forest dweller today. Walked on all fours a little larger than a racoon. All brown, tailless. My first instinct said small monkey. Maybe I was just dehydrated.
Usually when I first get to camp I collect water from the Potomac River because all of the pumps at the campsites are off for the winter. Unfortunately at this campsite the Potomac is a little further through the trees, and is lower than usual. The lower the river, the steeper the bank and the Potomac is a muddy beast. Covered in Potomac sludge, lugging five liters of water and two river stones, I head back to camp. It takes thirty minutes to purify the water and in the meantime I go on a quest for firewood.
Fire built and raging, I cook dinner. I ate an entire box of stove top stuffing while warming my feet on river stones.
While in Shepherdsville I ate at a Chinese take out. By the register for thirty five cents they were selling ginger packets with honey crystals, raw sugar and of course ginger.
After I ate all the stuffing I heated water for my ginger drink. Side note: I only have one pot to cook with. Anyway, it was delicious and spicy. I lingered by the fire for a bit and then crawled into the tent with Brown.
This campsite is somewhat near a major highway and there are train tracks across the river, so much noise pollution!
Supposed to get some rain around midnight. Hopefully nothing too bad. Looking forward to another great day tomorrow!
Thank you readers and good night.
" But I hope you could hear
All the screams from the forest
All the ghosts in the trees
And the love of a dog
Let us float in the tears
Let us cry from the laughters
When it's not for some sake
And the city's not near"